Medicare Coverage After a Stroke

Yearly, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. The significant problems resulting from a stroke can include problems with balance, hearing or vision, paralysis, decreased mobility, and more. To fully understand what Medicare covers during recovery, read on.

Rehabilitation Services
Medicare will cover hospital, rehabilitation center, or skilled nursing facility care for those who have suffered from a stroke.

Medicare Part A will cover any inpatient rehabilitation necessary, as long as the patient’s doctor deemed it necessary. Stroke recovery care is factored into the requirements and costs associated with a typical skilled-nursing-facility. 

Medicare Part B will cover any needed outpatient rehabilitation such as physical therapy as long as the patient’s doctor noted it is necessary.

Medical Equipment
Medicare Part B will cover durable medical equipment as long as it is medically necessary for stroke survivors. Items on this list include wheelchairs, walkers, lifts, canes, etc.

If you have high risk factors for stroke, be vigilant and discuss your Medicare coverage with your provider. It is crucial to understand your costs fully, should you suffer from a stroke in the future. Take note of equipment, charges, services, and more in the event you will need to utilize your coverage.

To speak with one of our expert representatives regarding Medicare and coverage for stroke victims, contact Senior Health Medicare today.

Senior Health Medicare is a superior resource for Medicare guidance, information, and ongoing client support. Selecting a Medicare plan is not a flippant decision. It requires annual revisiting and evaluation in order for the member to retain the most cost-effective plan. Senior Health Medicare is here to serve as your resource through all the years to come. Contact us today at 888-404-5049 or visit us on the web at

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: